Shop, Ship & Save

App-based freight forwarder and personal shopping service - providing a reliable, efficient, and affordable platform for The Bahamas, and Caribbean.

Shipment Information

Details and forms.

Full name
Margot Foster
Cleared by
Broker Ltd.
Email address
Shipping Value
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Simple no-tricks pricing

Clear and simple processes and complete coverage is our guiding light. The means you get complete service with no surprises.

Monthly membership

Your membership grants you acces to our shopping portal, where you can browse and shop all your favorite retailers, build orders and trigger shipments, Generate documents, Track clearance and Schedule deliveries.

What’s included

  • Shop your favorite retailers
  • Transparent Tracking
  • Automatice Documents
  • Easy Returns / Exchanges

Complete service, one fee

$349 USD


Get access

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement

Coming to the App Store

Track, Stay Updated, Stay Connected.

Google Play Store

Apple Store

© Bahama Ventures Inc, 2017-2023.

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